Friday, November 29, 2013

2014 pivot to Asia?

Will the emphasis be on Asia in 2014? I expect the Obama admin will soon talk up a "pivot" in foreign policy that focuses on Asia.

The recent Iran agreement was, on its face, a horrible deal for the US. The Afghan deal was another bad deal for the US. Why? Is this incompetence or a strategy change?

The only positive conclusion I reach is that the US is washing its hands of everything in the Middle East in preparation for looking elsewhere. Probably towards Asian countries.

Maybe the success of fracking means that Middle East oil isn't as crucial as it was even a few years ago. Maybe they now realize that the problems are intractable. Maybe domestic politics has changed (the pro-Israel bloc was frustrated by Clinton so they became the neo-cons)

If this view of a foreign policy shift is true, then Israel's position is weakened if the US views the region as non-primary.

Lots of investing ramifications...

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